2017 Lincoln Christmas Craft Fair and Parade
The Lincoln Christmas Craft Fair and Parade of 2017 was absolutely an amazing experience. Our favorite vendors were the Kettle Corn, hot...

December LCA Christmas Play 2017
Lincoln Christian Academy had their annual Christmas play on December 01, 2017, where we set up the Mustard Seed Building a Playground...

Winner of the 1st Happy Harvest Candy Giveaway!
You could be a winner too! Look for our booths in your area and at various events! We will have one-of-a-kind candy jar awards at each event

LCA's First Responder's BBQ Cook Off 2017
LCA hosted a BBQ Cook Off to Celebrate our Communities First Responder's to emergencies - our Firemen and Law Enforcement. It was wonder

History of CCS - Now LCA (Lincoln Christian Academy). Founders Bob and Becky Romness.
In a true community, people are willing to make sacrifices for the good of everyone - especially the children whom will be our leaders of to

LCA Students Record Narration for Videos promoting the Mustard Seed Moving Mountains Project Fundrai
The students, from both past and present years, stepped in to make this online fundraising project happen so that other children and...

Students from LCA work during the summer to get the school ready for the new year!
LCA (Lincoln Christian Academy) students volunteered their time at the school this summer to help with the surface work - painting the schoo