You could be the next "guest" at the Lincoln Area Chamber of Commerce NetMixer - Read on.

Interested in being a guest at the next Lincoln Area Chamber of Commerce NetMixer? Here's how:
Step 1 - A member must bring you with them (at least this is how it all went down for me - maybe it's different for others, but this is my story.) In this case, it was Mrs. Fran Neves who wanted for me to promote the LCA Mustard Seed Building a Playground Project at the NetMixer held on February 07, 2018. Mrs. Neves instructed us to bring something to share in a raffle - something fun or interesting. So I brought my Mom's infamous cookies which if you haven't already heard about them .. well ... now you have! I also included in the raffle giveaway a t-shirt that I had created for the playground project fundraiser, a flyer with details of the fundraiser and a home made thank you card. I attached black and white balloons to make my prize stand out among the crowd and I followed Mrs. Neves around the room like a lost puppy.
Step 2. You must wear nice clothes. Don't think everyone will be dressed down. Photos will be taken and posted online as well as videos. There is great music, yummy food and dancing. But beware! Everyone ... and I mean e v e r y o n e is snapping away with their cell phone cameras. And if you think those bad dance moves won't be uploaded the next day ... think again. We're talking before the rooster crows.
Step 3. Watch the person before you who is called up to give their own spiel about who they are, a short story about what they do and whatever else you would like to share about yourself or even a story about someone else present. Each person had a different story and venue. But they were all fun and inspirational to listen to as well as the bunny rabbit and receding hair line joke (I got it!). The crowd will help you along during your speech (this can be both a good and a bad thing).
Below is another guest Fran Neves brought to the NetMixer - Barbara Araujo, Director and Tupperware Guru, whom I enjoyed talking with immensely and who got a chuckle out of the crowd when her donated gift of two tupperware containers to the raffle had a "gift recall option" where she announced "you can fill her tupperware containers with peanut M&M's and regift them back to her for Christmas."

Mr. Ron Nabity, well known Lincoln Photographer, was quite unhappy to not have won "The Cookies". Watch the video below in case he denies it. You'll see him smiling, but you'll hear his words of great loss in the video (or maybe that was the person right next to him ... or both?) Not certain - but it's fun to watch. Who knew cookies could be so popular?
Maybe next time ... at the next NetMixer (if I'm invited - we'll see). See correction at bottom of this article for a message to Mr. Nabity.
Lastly, but what some may see most importantly, Mr. Gene Thorpe of Century 21 Select Real Estate and host of this NetMixer, gave a generous donation to Lincoln High School to show his support to the community and the kids. I thought that was awesome.
And thank you, Ms. Debra Bellis, for reminding me that I had brought flyers to pass out, which I was both too shy to pass out and conveniently forgetful about the duty. You may have been the only person who got one (oh ... the cookie winner did get one in their card!) But one thing I've learned is that 'one' special person, can make all the difference. :)
Step 4: One person can make all the difference. So remember to pass out at least one flyer!

Thank you again Mrs. Neves for inviting me as your guest and for never leaving my side. I had a great time and although I was nervous, you helped me come out of my comfort zone, make my speech and you introduced me to some wonderful people in Lincoln I never would have met before if I didn't tag along.

Above photo - Dudley Adair of Optavia (left) and Fran Neves (right) representing
Friends of the Lincoln Library Membership Drive.
** Correction: Two of my fundraiser flyers were passed out during this event. This second one was removed from my folder and forced upon an unsuspecting attendee. The second flyer was responded to with a donation on the playground website today. That person knows who they are, and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your thoughtfulness. We owe you cookies. Maybe next time ... at the NetMixer (if we're invited once again). :)
#FranNeves #BarbaraAraujo #GeneThorpe #DebraBellis #Century21Lincoln #GeneThorpeCentury21Lincoln #RonNabity #DudleyAdair #KrystinCanon #LincolnChamberofCommerce #LincolnAreaChamberofCommerce #Netmixer #NetMixer #Century21SelectLincolnCA #JimmyThompsonLincoln #JimmyThompsonplayground #JimmyThompson #Jimmysplayground #LCAMustardSeed #LCAMustardSeedPlaygroundProject