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Playground Equipment Wish List

Play System #7364
Use Zone: 29' x 46'
Cost: $18,000.00
(price not including shipping)
Status: Item Bought!
Status: Item Bought!
In-Kind discount by
Kidstuff Play Sytems! :)
And thank you Sponsors!

Status: Item Bought!
Geometric Dome Climber
Use Zone: 10' x 6'
Cost: $220.00
(price includes shipping fees)

Status: Item Bought!
Parachute 20'
Cost: $70.00
(price includes shipping fees)

Status: Item Bought!
Big Dig Ride On Working Crane(s)
Cost: $100.00 for 2 items
(price includes shipping fees)

Status: Item Bought!
Portable Tetherballs (4)
Cost: $460.00

Status: Item Bought!
Installation or Community Build
Use Footprint:
Area 1 - 31' x 33'
Area 2 - 23' x 81'
Cost: $1,500.00 for a certified playground foreman to oversee volunteers for 3 full days.
$500.00 supply list
$3,000 land preparation
$10,000.00 for in-kind installation through community build team with Lincoln Potter's Baseball team and community partners and families.
Total cost for community build install of the equipment, the foundation and ADA requirements through ADA ramps or flush installation.
In-Kind donations for LCA Mustard Seed Playground Build promotions
- including but not limited to:
Printing key sponsor advertisement banner(s),
Team Build T-shirts
Art Supplies for kids crafts sold at events
Tent booth set up, tables and supplies
In-Kind donations for LCA Mustard Seed Playground Build to be announced:
- Feeding the crews for 3 days
additional tool rentals and supplies needed
Total amount funded through both in-kind donations and sponsors:
Thank you so much to everyone who helped with this playground build!

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